Monday, August 6, 2007

What it means to be a TANTE...

Characteristic of a Tante

1) Always calculating her money to make sure she does not overspend

2) Wear a head band and does her egg white mask...and walked out with her Tante pyjamas

3) Carrying a big bag with plenty of tissues, wet tissues and umbrella whenever she goes out (I am just trying to take care of my Putri and Phalawan..I mean, what if it rains, what if your hands get dirty....)

4) Buying things in bulk...(it is cheaper and more is better than less)

5) Watching Hongkong series (ls a 'must watch' everynight; even when she is packing her room)

6) Locked everything...and check, re-check and re-re-check again and again....

7) Must have afternoon tea and her beautiful cake while chit-chatting with friends (ooh...the Bagawan solo cafe is just next to me)

8) Worrying too much ( "Oh no, I have to cross the road!" " Oh, do you think the food is clean??", " Do you think I have enough toilet papers in hostel?")

You can add on to my list....but I am a near perfect TANTE....

God bless this 'not so old', but 'super blur' Tante....

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