Monday, August 27, 2007

Missing Home....

I called my parents last Sunday and the first thing they asked me was “How is life there?”, “Is everything ok?” I replied, “Yap, I am fine here, just that I miss eating Kaya toast and Tim Sum in Singapore” (which is a weekly routine for my family every Sunday).

Well, I am only here for 3 weeks and I am already missing the food in Singapore and the loneliness of facing the 4 walls of my rooms sometimes. Then I realized this is what you mean by ‘Home sick’. Haha.

Don’t get me wrong, I am very happy in Indonesia. In fact, being in Indonesia gives me another form of enjoyment and happiness. For one, I really pamper myself a lot here (Putri and I are so ready to treat ourselves to good food, good massage, good hair treatment, good movies and so so so ready to take cab..haha..i mean we really live like a real Tai Tai LAH). For another, this is the first time I actually visited places which I studied under Prof Miksic (though I can’t deny that 90% of the information has already been deleted from my memory). Seriously, if you don’t see Prambanan temple by yourself, you will NEVER EVER know how majestic it actually looks.. it is really breath taking LAH. Certain ‘beauty’ in Indonesia can never be found in Singapore so I should really enjoy myself here.

Yet, home is afterall home; you will miss your mum’s home cooked food, you will miss the comfort-ness in Singapore and I think you may also miss the fact that Singapore is small and so it is very easy to travel from one place to another. I kind of miss the Singapore-ness now.

I think I am missing Singapore now because I am not in Singapore. I am sure when I return to Singapore, I will miss Yogyakarta too. I told Putri last Sunday when we were in church (I am a half catholic now because I accompany Nicola to church every Sunday..haha) that we will definitely have a very strange feeling on the very last week of our trip, when we know that this is the last time we are going to this church. Probably we will cry at a near by Padang place and suddenly we will miss eating Indonesian food… I will probably miss my daily beauty skin routine (Kunir Assem beverage) in Putri’s room…

Til that day comes, I just hope that 3 of us could really enjoy ourselves here…. (But I don’t think we need any reminder that we must enjoy ourselves.. it is our top priority here, and is probably in my blood..haha)

God created me to enjoy life….so I m sure he will bless me….


1 comment:

hikayatdariyogya said...


Can you don't say as if we are spoilt brats - we took the becak too! And my ISM is on tukang becak so you and I are going to be takig a lot more becak rides =)

But yes I agree, indulging ourselves once every week (playday on Saturday!) does wonders for the body, mind and soul. I reckon we should continue as long as possible i.e. until we leave!

Haahaha and yes, you are a half-Catholic (I am so grateful that you want to accompany me every week) and I am a half-Buddhist, it's a match made in heaven... This Sunday let's try and find out how everyone knows which page the hymn is on without any announcement!!