Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan

Prambanan at sunset
Scenes from the Ramayana Ballet
Palace on Fire
"Ballet Ramayana adalah satu penjobaan (I think) (good effort) untuk
membawa seni-pentas Indonesia ketaraf yang lebih tinggi -
Soekarno 25/8 1961"

We went to Prambanan temple yesterday evening (which we thought was an hour away but before we knew it we were there! Only took 30 minutes) to watch the full Ramayana ballet. Surprisingly, we could follow the story.. or at least the gist of it.. But the highlight was definitely when Hanuman set the palace on fire. Super cool!

The costumes and dancing were so beautiful. And I think I may have finally learnt to appreciate the gamelan :) The showstopper however, was definitely the backdrop... The majestic Prambanan temple is absolutely breathtaking. Pictures don't do it justice. Another reason why you should sign up for this semester away program.. Come see for yourself!

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